it had to happen: in the middle of so many bulbs some totally unknown had to turn up! for some time i tried to give it some different personality, some different indentity, from lilly to iris for instance, but truth is that after the first bloom i imediatly realize it was a total stranger to me...
o mais extraordinário é que são inúmeras, um pouco por todo este jardim abalconado, e parecem gostar de todos os cantos: com sol sem sol com calor com frescura com atenção ou ao-deus-de-ará!
the most extraordinary is that they are so many, all over this balcony-garden, and they seem to like every corner of it: with and without sun with and without warm with and without attention...
são bolbos multi-resistentes bem adequados a estes tempos de crise, e lindas como são as suas flores, não me parece que venham a ser despedidos ao abrigo de uma qualquer restruturação para contenção de espaço. têm sorte, a sorte que quem precisa certamente não tem!
eu sou mais pela manutenção do que se dá bem na varanda, despedimentos só faço às que morrem, e porque necessito dos vasos...
they are multi-resistant bulbs well adapted to this times of crisis, and with their lovely flowers, i don't think they will be fired for some space contention restruturation. they are lucky, with the luck that some who need it doesn't have! i'm more for maintenance of what likes the balcony, i only fire the ones that die and that only couse i need the pots...
i don't know what they are, maybe someone can help me?; but they look like little small imploding stars in this jungle already known by you, a little bit of colored happiness that born in this wild universe that seems to involve us, that swallow and gobble our lifes with an astunishing speed...
Morangos para ti my love:
A tua flor misteriosa é uma Ixia. Há quem lhes chame Páscoas por florescerem nesta altura. Existem de várias cores, desde o rosa forte ao rosa muito claro, passando pelo amarelo até ao branco.
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